Other providers' events and services

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Other Provider's Events and Services

The ACT Human Rights Commission will be holding a panel event for Human Rights Day on 10 December 2024 at 12:30pm at the National Library of Australia.

On International Human Rights Day, join us as we examine housing as a human right.

With our expert panel, we’ll unpack key questions including:

  • What is included in the human right to housing?
  • What role does housing play in giving children stability, reducing family violence, allowing effective rehabilitation, preventing recidivism and promoting good health?
  • How do our laws need to change to better protect the right to housing?

Dr Penelope Mathew, ACT Human Rights Commission President will facilitate the discussion with panellists:

  • Professor Kevin Bell AO KC, author of Housing: the Great Australian Right
  • Dr Devin Bowles, CEO, ACT Council of Social Services
  • Ms Genevieve Bolton OAM, Executive Director and Principal Solicitor, Canberra Community Law
  • Ms Rachael Clark, Solicitor and Program Manager, Dhurrawang Aboriginal Human Rights Program, Canberra Community Law
  • and Mrs Kellie Jones, who has first-hand experience of homelessness. Mrs Jones works in office management and accounting and is an Orange Sky volunteer.

This is a live event and an online link will be available soon (Note ticket NOT required if attending online.) Light refreshments served.

Eventbrite listing: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/housing-as-a-right-where-to-now-tickets-1056370054269

More info: humanrightsmedia@act.gov.au


Time: 5:00 pm to 6:15 pm (AEST) / 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm (AEDT)

Date: Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Where: Online webinar

Chair: Coroner Megan Fairweather, Queensland Coroners Court


·         Coroner Simon McGregor, Coroners Court Victoria

·         Klaire Coles, director of coronial and custodial justice practice at Caxton Legal Centre, Brisbane

·         Bill Mitchell, principal solicitor at Townsville Community Law, Townsville

·         Paula Morreau KC, Brisbane-based barrister


It is well established in the UK, and recognised by the UN Human Rights Committee, that coronial inquests give effect to the right to life in their conduct of investigations into lethal incidents. The impact of domestic human rights statutes on the coronial function in Australia has so far been canvassed in a series of coronial decisions in Victoria and one decision in Queensland. There are divergences in those decisions and the position in Queensland cannot be described as a settled one. The issue is yet to be ventilated in the ACT.


The Human Rights Law Association is pleased to convene a panel session on the relevance of human rights to the coronial function, to discuss these developments and the impact human rights statutes might have on the scope of matters to be investigated at inquests, the findings that might be made with respect to the actions of public entities, and the framing of preventative recommendations.


Admission to the online seminar is free. Please register if you would like to attend, click here

The BLS Report is a series of podcasts created by the Business Law Section, covering topics of interest arising in our fields or practice. This series is in commemoration of the late Professor Robert (‘Bob’) Baxt.

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