Law reform

Showing 10 of 14 results for Law reform

Law Society objects to retrospective legislation

1 Aug 2019

Law Society objects to retrospective legislation

The ACT Law Society expressed strong opposition to recent changes to specific offences in the Crimes Act and the Firearms Act which the ACT Government intends to apply retrospectively.

Concerns about omnibus bill stripping FOI rights

13 May 2019

Concerns about omnibus bill stripping FOI rights

The Law Society urged the Government to withdraw part of an omnibus bill that will remove the right of a person to obtain information about themselves.

Legal profession strongly opposes proposed changes to CTP scheme

4 Apr 2019

Legal profession strongly opposes proposed changes to CTP scheme

The Society and the Bar today sent a letter to ACT MLAs outlining the serious problems with the Motor Accident Injuries Bill 2019.

Canberra legal community condemns Barr Government’s unfair CTP scheme

19 Mar 2019

Canberra legal community condemns Barr Government’s unfair CTP scheme

The legal community expressed their dismay and frustration that the ACT Government is continuing to push through its flawed CTP scheme.

Proposed CTP scheme remains flawed

18 Mar 2019

Proposed CTP scheme remains flawed

Negotiations conducted by the Barr Government have failed to address significant flaws in the proposed CTP scheme.

Greens are right to call out Government’s flawed CTP scheme

24 Jan 2019

Greens are right to call out Government’s flawed CTP scheme

The Law Society commended the ACT Greens for their decision to oppose the Barr Government’s proposed Compulsory Third Party scheme in its current form.

Law Society calls on ACT Liberals and ACT Greens to oppose Government’s unfair proposals

14 Dec 2018

Law Society calls on ACT Liberals and ACT Greens to oppose Government’s unfair proposals

Hundreds of injured Canberrans will lose their rights to full compensation if the Barr Government gets its way and cuts the ACT’s CTP scheme.

Law Society urges Canberrans to speak out against reduction in CTP benefits

20 Sep 2018

Law Society urges Canberrans to speak out against reduction in CTP benefits

The Law Society urged Canberrans to raise their voices against the unfair changes to the ACT’s CTP insurance scheme.

ACT Law Society calls on government to prohibit claims harvesting

27 Jun 2018

ACT Law Society calls on government to prohibit claims harvesting

The Law Society again urged the ACT Government to legislate to prohibit claims harvesting practices in the Territory.

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