The ACT Law Society Foundation was established in 2012 as a Centenary of Canberra project as a visible and enduring expression of the ACT legal profession’s connection with, and concern and support for, Canberra and its charities and worthy causes.
The Foundation was originally seeded with three years’ worth of Law Week profit (2013, 2014 and 2015), matched by Law Society funds. Each year, around September, the Foundation's annual disbursement is paid directly to the President's Charity. The corpus of the Foundation is grown by splitting Law Week profits between the President’s Charity and the Foundation (generally a 50/50 split, up to the disbursement amount). This arrangement ensures that the Foundation will continue to grow, allowing greater disbursements in future.
The President’s charity
Each year, the President of the Law Society nominates a local Canberra charity to receive funds from any charitable events run by the Society (the primary event being Law Week).
Since the creation of the ACT Law Society Foundation, the Society has supported the following charities:

Rainbow Paws
About the Foundation
The ACT Law Society Foundation is an endowment or accumulation fund. The capital is invested and continues to accumulate in perpetuity. The ACT Law Society Foundation has been established within the Capital Region Community Foundation known as GreaterGood. GreaterGood is a facility for people and organisations to create charitable funds. It is a public charitable fund, established by the Public Trustee of the ACT, which holds Australian Taxation Office endorsement as a Designated Gift Recipient. Contributions via bequests have capital gains tax benefits for deceased estates.
Donations to the ACT Law Society Foundation are tax deductible. Contributions can be made via direct credit or cheque, or through the GreaterGood website.
How to make a tax deductible donation
By credit card (up to $5,000): Through the GreaterGood donation smartform, selecting “ACT Law Society Foundation” from the listed categories. The website can accept donations between $2 and $5,000. Tax deductible receipts are issued at the completion of the transaction, and the Public Trustee’s office is automatically advised of your contribution.
By cheque: Make the cheque out to “ACT Law Society Foundation” and post it to GreaterGood, GPO Box 239, Canberra ACT 2601. Please include your postal address so that a tax deductible receipt can be sent to you.
By direct deposit: Make a deposit into the Public Trustee and Guardian common fund, BSB 062‑920, account number 1003 6944. Use the reference “142760” to specify the donation is for the ACT Law Society Foundation. A courtesy email to advising of the deposit will ensure that funds are directed to the correct account and a tax deductible receipt can be sent to you.